Community Standards

 Welcome to the Positive People community! To make this a great experience for everyone, please take a moment to review a few community guidelines: 


  1. Be kind and respectful. We want to provide a kind, safe and welcoming space for everyone, so all content should be respectful of others. Any form of content that jeopardizes the health, safety, or wellbeing of any member will not be tolerated. 
  2. Be mindful of others’ privacy. Our members have the freedom to choose how and when they share content. To protect one another, we just ask that you do not share other member’s personal information and carefully consider if and when you share your own sensitive or personal information in public spaces of the platform (e.g., blog comments, feed posts, or forum threads). 
  3. Be responsible.  Every member of the platform can flag or report inappropriate content or users that breach community guidelines. Designated Moderators are constantly monitoring the content on the platform and they will review flagged content to determine proper actions. The consequences for violating our community guidelines vary from temporary suspension to permanent removal depending on the severity of the violation and the user’s history on the platform. See section below on Consequences. 
  4. Be welcoming. Members are encouraged to be welcoming and interact with others on the site.


Reporting and Consequences

Reporting inappropriate content and users. Any inappropriate post and user can be reported for their actions. An inappropriate user is any user who jeopardizes others’ safety and wellbeing or violates community guidelines. Inappropriate users should be reported immediately. Designated Administrators are constantly monitoring the content on the platform and they will review all flagged content to determine proper actions. 

Reviewing and removing reported content. Even after a single violation, Administrators have the right to review and determine whether content or a person should be removed from the platform. In the event of a request for removal of a user, there will be a review by a committee of senior members to determine proper actions.  Reported users are entitled to a conversation with the Administrators.

Repeat violations. We will track the number of times users have been flagged for reported violations to ensure we consider repeat inappropriate behavior when reviewing a case for removal. The consequences for violating our community guidelines vary depending on the severity of the violation and the user’s history on the platform.

Consequences for violation of standards. The following rules are guidelines; more or less severe consequences may be imposed depending on the nature of the violation at the Administrators’ discretion. After one violation, you must meet with a moderator or Administrator to review the community standards within one-week or your account will be suspended until you are able to do so.  After a second violation, your account will be suspended immediately for one week. After a third violation, your account will be suspended indefinitely, however you may ask an Administrator to reinstate your account after one month.